- Old-age and survivors's insurance (OASI): According to OASI law, Swiss and foreign students (residents) , is required to contribute to the OASI from January 1st following the 20th birthday. If you are not in gainful employment, as a student you may be concerned by the annual payment of the basic contribution; if this is the case, you will receive an invoice from the City of Lausanne during the academic year. For further information, please visit www.lausanne.ch
- Health and accident insurance : Membership of a health insurance company with accident coverage is compulsory for all persons residing in Switzerland. According to the provisions of the Health Insurance Act (LaMal), insured persons who are not in gainful employment are automatically covered for health and accident risks. It is therefore your responsibility to check with your health insurance company that you are correctly covered for the risk of accidents.
- If you come from a country of the European Union, you can be exempted from taking out a Swiss insurance, provided you arrive in Switzerland with the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). Please check with your health insurance company to find out how to obtain the EHIC.
- If you come from a country outside the European Union, please visit www.swisscare.ch . If you have a modest income, it is possible to receive a subsidy from your canton of residence for health insurance premiums.
Certificates of studies for each semester issued by HES‑SO Master are available at the start of each semester, on the student portal.
Certificates cannot be requested from the schools where majors or classes for certain Master’s programmes take place.
The association was created in June 2022 and offers all HES-SO Master students:
- Various events on the Provence campus (apéros, tournaments, sports)
- Answers to all your questions about studies, health, housing, etc.
- Bring your ideas and suggestions to the attention of management, and help improve campus life.
The association also has premises at Espace C, Av. de Provence 12, Lausanne.
Contact: https://aehma.ch or subscribe to their instagram account: @aehma
As a student of HES-SO, you have access to the libraries of its partner universities. The list of libraries can be found here.
You also have access to all documents in the Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire de Lausanne (BCUL) rom the Gymnase de Provence, which is to the north of the building.
Its opening hours can be found here.
You also have access to :
- online resources such as specialized databases, academic journals and ebooks in the fields of education and research of the HES-SO here
- online digital library "ScholarVox" here
- Documents from BCUL's Renouvaud network: All students can borrow documents from BCUL's Renouvaud network at the BCUL Provence site (request to be collected from the Provence site for all works from other sites). You can consult the opening hours here.
- Documents from the Renouvaud network outside the BCUL: To borrow documents from the Renouvaud network outside the BCUL, students should contact Mme Freda at the BCUL Provence site counter, whose opening hours can be consulted here.
- Documents from the Swisscovery network: To borrow documents from Swisscovery, they must be brought in by PEB ("Borrows between libraries" - Rapido). The cost is CHF 8 per document. These fees are covered by HES-SO Master upon presentation of the student card. A video explaining the Renouvaud Plus service can be found here: https://db-prod-bcul.unil.ch/rnv/sp/tutoriels.html#6. The documents pass through the BCUL Unithèque site, then are sent to the BCUL Provence site. Box office opening hours can be viewed here.
- swissuniversities offers you a range of documentary resources (including specialist databases and academic journals), which may be helpful during your studies. They are available here .
Meals :
- Bar le Provençal (Helsana company cafeteria), upon presentation of the student card: traditional menu or vegetarian menu: CHF 10.-
- Tea-room Afiro-Le Phénix from Monday to Thursday, 07:00-15:00, Friday 07:00-14:00
- Food truck Smache Burger from Monday to Friday, 11:30-13:30, next to Espace A
- Nas Food Truck every Wednesday, 11:30-13:30 in front of the AMAG garage.
- HES-SO Master reimburses the registration fee for running races organized in the French-speaking Swiss Cantons. To obtain this reimbursement, notify the HES-SO Master Reception of your participation in a race either in person or by email (master(at)hes-so.ch). ATTENTION: without notification of your participation, no reimbursement will be made. Then, complete this form >>
- HES-SO' students, have access to the sports facilities of UNIL and EPFL for a fee of 50 CHF per semester, or 80 CHF per academic year (Category B). More information about this here.
Bookstore / Stationery:
- Payot bookstores, upon presentation of the student card: 10% discount (excluding "net price" items and if an existing offer is already in place).
- Kramer Krieg stationeries, upon presentation of the student card: 15% discount (excluding "net price" items and if an existing offer is already in place).
Leisure :
- 10% discount on BOAS group hotels. List of affected hotels:
- Lake Geneva Hotel, Versoix
- Grand Hotel and Thermal Center Yverdon-les-Bains, Yverdon-les-Bains
- Aquatis Hotel, Lausanne
- Grand Hotel des Rasses, Les Rasses
- Hôtel des Bains de Saillon, Saillon
- Preferential rate on individual entries to AQUATIS Aquarium-Vivarium
Others :
- You can find more great deals here (housing, computing, jobs, sports, Mobility car sharing, etc.)
Any change of a personal data must be reported without delay in the following manner:
- Changes of address can be made directly on the IS-Academia student portal, under the "Administrative" tab.
- Changes of name, marital status, type of permit or nationality must be reported by email to the specialist staff of your Master's programme and must be accompanied by a copy of a supporting document (identity card, family certificate, permit).
Your student card allows you to access the HES-SO Master facilities outside their normal opening hours, and acts as an “electronic wallet” for Selecta vending machines; it can also be used as identification for printers and photocopiers..
You will be given a student card loaded with 1000 printing credits at the start of your course and you will receive a further set of credits at the start of each academic year. Once you have used up your quota, you will need to top up your card (at the terminal in the main hall in Provence 6).
The card contains your ID information and photo for authentication purposes. The first semester of your course is printed on your card; stickers for the following semesters
are available from reception at the start of each new semester.
Stickers for students on the MLS and JMA programmes are sent by post; stickers for students on the Innokick course are available from the Closel 3 site in Renens.
You are not entitled to the sticker for a semester for which you take a leave of absence.
You are responsible for the use of your card, which is for your personal use only; lending it to someone else is strictly prohibited. Sanctions will be imposed for any misuse.
If your card is lost or stolen, you must inform master(at)hes-so.ch immediately; a new card will be sent to you at a cost of CHF 25.- .
When you leave HES-SO Master, the remaining balance on the card can be reimbursed, please inquire at the HES-SO Master reception, Av. de Provence 6.
You can request a semester leave, except during the first semester of training. No leave will be granted if the request is not made within the following time limits :
- For a leave in the fall semester: no later than week 39 (civil year)
- For a leave in the spring semester: no later than week 9 (civil year)
For any request, please complete this form (in French) and send it to your Master's supervisor.
L'Armée suisse s’est dotée d’un service de coordination « Armée-Ecole » dont le but est de limiter autant que possible la perturbation des études par les périodes de services militaires. Le système mis en place prévoit que dans chaque haute école, un agent de liaison examine et, au besoin, appuie les demandes de dispense des étudiant·e. Cette tâche est assurée par le secrétariat HES‑SO Master.
HES‑SO Master appuie les demandes de dispense ou de renvoi de service militaire dans les cas suivants :
- La période de service se situe dans les 3 mois précédant un examen
- La période de service se situe en cours de dernière année
- Vous avez déjà effectué une période de service au cours de la même année académique
- Vous rencontrez des difficultés particulières dans vos études et votre réussite pourrait être compromise par une absence.
Il s’agit de principes généraux qui sont appliqués en tenant compte de votre parcours de formation et de votre situation militaire. Si vous souhaitez effectuer une demande de déplacement, téléchargez le formulaire correspondant ici.
Le formulaire complété doit être remis à la réception HES‑SO Master ou envoyé à master(at)hes-so.ch
HES-SO has a framework policy on diversity and a four-year action plan to guide its actions. At each level (Rectorate, general/cantonal management, universities and fields) many people are working to make the HES-SO an increasingly inclusive institution.
Some great projects have been initiated, others are to come, notably with the financial support of the Swiss Government.
You can find information and procedures relating to IT (access, software, Teams, Moodle and other services) here.
Email the following for any questions about:
- IT: informatique.master(at)hes-so.ch
- IS-Academia : master.isa(at)hes-so.ch
If you wish to definitively interrupt your Master's programme, you must inform the person in charge of your Master in writing:
- If you have just started your studies: you have two weeks (until week 39) from the beginning of the first semester to withdraw from it. Within this period, you must inform your Master's supervisor in writing, with copies to the person in charge of the academic follow-up of your Master's degree and to master(at)hes-so.ch. Study fees and contributions to study costs will not be charged. If withdrawal is communicated from week 40, you will be charged for the semester.
- If you are in the course of your studies: you must inform the person responsible for your Master's degree in writing of your withdrawal by the end of week 39 for the autumn semester and by the end of week 9 for the spring semester; the semester will then not be counted as part of the duration of your studies. If withdrawal is communicated from week 40 for the fall semester and from week 10 for the spring semester, you will be charged for the semester.
Student rooms can be rented in a building near HES-SO Master in Lausanne. More information here. It is also possible to book a room in a house belonging to the Fondations Maisons pour Étudiants Lausanne (FMEL), click here.
Within the framework of the "HES-SO without obstacles" (in French), HES-SO Master has issued recommendations to take into account the special needs of students with disabilities. These recommendations aim to guarantee the level of skills required and to ensure fair treatment during training, while maintaining the right of the institution, in this case HES-SO Master, to set minimum requirements of knowledge and skills to follow a training course. HES-SO Master undertakes to apply these recommendations to the extent of its logistical and administrative means.
Special needs are considered to be any needs required by students who, because of physical or mental health problems, cannot follow a regular course of study without being at a disadvantage compared to other students. To be considered, special needs must be attested by a medical certificate. This certificate does not deal with "pathological" causes but with limitations that require the recognition of special needs. Students with special needs must complete this form and send it to their Master's supervisor two weeks after starting the course, respectively the beginning of a semester.
Other resource:
The national website www.swissuniability.ch is the result of joint efforts by the Réseau études et handicap Suisse, which was set up by the four following universities: ZHAW, PHZH, the University of St. Gallen and HES-SO.
It is designed to offer assistance and advice to disabled students, to help them overcome infrastructure-related, technical and institutional hurdles.
- HES-SO Master students are subject to the regulations in force published on the HES-SO website, you can consult them here.
A psychotherapy consultation is available to any HES‑SO Master student who is facing difficulties.
The Department of Psychiatry at CHUV (CHUV) can offer you a consultation and short-term follow-up, based on a specific model of four sessions, called “Brief psychodynamic therapy”. The final session includes a review, which determines whether the sessions should end or whether further therapeutic work is required, in which case further sessions will be organised with you.
The first session is offered free of charge, under an agreement between DP-CHUV and HES-SO. Further sessions will be charged to your basic health insurance by DP-CHUV. Confidentiality is guaranteed.
Consultation psychothérapeutique pour étudiantes et étudiants HES-SO Master
Section accueil et interventions brèves
Place Chauderon 18
1003 Lausanne
For appointments or information by email*: consult.psy-hessomaster(at)chuv.ch
Consultations are available from Monday to Friday, 08:00 to 17:00.
*Emails are seen only by the consultants, who are bound by patient-doctor confidentiality.
HES-SO Master collaborate with Aikido Lausanne to offer low-cost courses for the well-being of the students (online and in-person). To learn more, click here (in French)
Study fees and the contribution to study expenses are due for all students registered at HES-SO Master, even if they are on leave. Details of the amounts invoiced according to status are specified in this document (in French).
Study fees and contributions to study expenses are non-refundable. They are due in full from the beginning of week 40 (for the autumn semester) and from the beginning of week 10 (for the spring semester), both for new enrolments and for students⸱es in training.
Invoicing takes place semi-annually, during week 41 for the fall semester and week 11 for the spring semester. Non-payment of half-yearly invoices will result in exclusion after three reminders and a summons.
For any questions related to tuition fees: finance.master(at)hes-so.ch
The following pages may be useful if you are looking to work or a part-time job while you study:
- Offres de stages et jobs étudiant·es (in French)
- Page UNIL emplois (in French)
Every year, the HES-SO communication service is hiring students to be ambassadors of their studies on Instagram and TIkTok. Do you want to share the behind-the-scenes of your student life and get paid for it? Send an email to: communication(at)hes-so.ch
NOTE: students who hold a B (residence for educational purposes) or G (cross-border commuter) permit are strictly limited to 15 working hours a week during term-time but are allowed to work full time during the holidays. If you need a certificate confirming your status, please email the relevant person in the academic services department responsible for your course or master(at)hes-so.ch .
Contact: Sophie Tapparel
You can also seek support through the psychotherapy consultation at Chauderon, offered in collaboration with HES-SO Master.