
As a higher education institution, our aim is to forge international synergies that enhance the quality of our teaching by combining a hands-on approach with applied research, in the fields of science, social work, technology and the arts – our core areas of expertise. We are committed to fostering societal development and sharing our knowledge and experience with partner organisations across Europe and beyond, with a view to strengthening social inclusion and mobility.

Aims of our international strategy

  • Make expanding HES-SO's international reach a responsibility shared by all our schools and faculties
  • Encourage students to strive for excellence through international exchange programmes
  • Ensure that the quality of HES-SO degrees is internationally recognised
  • Add a cross-disciplinary component to all HES-SO projects and initiatives
  • Enhance our teachers' R&D work by encouraging them to collaborate with other experts in Switzerland, Europe and further afield
  • Maintain and strengthen HES-SO strategic partnerships through international collaboration

Our international reach

We expand our international reach by working in partnership with more than 900 institutions to provide students with exchange programmes in a range of countries. This means we also have large numbers of international and exchange students coming to us from across Europe and beyond. In addition, we are actively involved in international networks and associations, as well as in international research and training initiatives.

All members of our community are involved in enhancing HES-SO's international standing. Our schools offer exchange programmes for both students and teachers, in cooperation with partner universities around the world. They also work with our faculties to run specific internationally oriented teaching and research projects. The central services within the Rector's Office set out the regulatory framework for international projects, support initiatives run by the HES-SO community and represent HES-SO nationally and internationally.



La dernière newsletter d'UNITA est arrivée!

Grâce à la lettre d'information d'UNITA - Universitas Montium, vous avez la possibilité de vous tenir informé·e des dernières nouvelles et des…


Enfants en situation de handicap, migrant·es et régénération écologique: trois projets soutenus par la LHMENA

La Leading House MENA a accordé quatorze «Consolidation Grants» pour soutenir des projets en collaboration avec des partenaires en Afrique du Nord et…


Concours d’anecdotes interculturelles

La journée internationale de la Francophonie a lieu chaque année le 20 mars. A cette occasion, le réseau RELIEF (HES-SO, USMB et UQTR) lance un…


Suivez les dernières nouvelles d'UNITA!

Grâce à la lettre d'information d'UNITA - Universitas Montium, vous avez la possibilité de vous tenir informé·e des dernières nouvelles et des…


Promouvoir l'internationalisation: la vision de l'alliance UNITA

Suite au lancement du projet Erasmus+ UNITA RECIPES for INTERNATIONALISATION en décembre 2023, l’Université Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB), en tant que chef…


Quatre projets retenus dans le cadre du programme international en technologies appropriées pour le développement durable

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Douze projets pour la collaboration scientifique avec le Moyen-Orient et l’Afrique du Nord

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"S'engager et participer à la construction de l'espace européen des hautes écoles"

René Graf, Vice-recteur Enseignement à la HES-SO, a participé à une série de podcasts réalisée par UNITA et intitulée "Vers une université…
