Le Master en Conservation-restauration de la HE-Arc est destiné aux futur·es professionnel·les souhaitant approfondir leurs connaissances en conservation. Il met l'accent sur la mise en oeuvre des mesures curatives des objets patrimoniaux.
Our Master’s programmes, open to holders of a Bachelor’s degree, are designed to expand students’ skills and support their career development. They are a step from practical application to the more theory-based activities of research and teaching, or to project management. Master’s degrees are prerequisites for entering our PhD programmes, which are carried out in association with partner universities in Switzerland and abroad.
- Design and Visual Arts 6
- Business, Management and Services 5
- Engineering and Architecture 5
- Music and Performing Arts 8
- Health 4
- Social Work 3
- Interdisciplinary 1
The Master's in Design is a vocational programme that addresses the demands of today's world and takes account of the international context that design fits into. The Lausanne University of Art and Design (ECAL) and HEAD – Geneva each offer three specialisations within the programme, based on their specific areas of expertise.
This program offers a unique opportunity to explore the world of innovation through an interdisciplinary and immersive approach. Designed to shape the innovators of tomorrow, it empowers you to develop cutting-edge products and services while addressing contemporary social, economic, and environmental challenges.
L’art contemporain est un champ d’activités riche dans lequel les professions et les spécialisations sont continuellement redéfinies. Le Master en Arts visuels s’adresse à des étudiant·es titulaires d’un Bachelor, passionné·es par la pratique artistique ou une approche plus théorique et curatoriale.
L’ECAL, l’EDHEA et la HEAD – Genève proposent des orientations dans cette filière. Le contenu pédagogique spécifique aux orientations repose sur les compétences et l’identité
The Master's in Film enables students to develop their own cinematographic vision, understand how films are made and get to grips with the various stages of film production. By the end of the course, students are ready to enter the film industry. The programme is run jointly by the Lausanne University of Art and Design (ECAL) and HEAD – Geneva and draws on each school's specific expertise.
The Master's in Interior Architecture at HEAD - Geneva is a vocational course that helps students to understand the increasingly diverse nature of interior spaces in the contemporary world. It is a cross-disciplinary course that covers everything from design and the visual arts to audio-visual culture and the digital landscape.
The Master of Science in Business Administration (MSc BA) gives the opportunity to develop the understanding of management they acquired during their Bachelor’s course and specialise in a fast-growing area of competence.
In partnership with other academic institutions in the Business, Management and Services field, it offers four different Majors:
EHL’s Master of Science in Global Hospitality Business prepares graduates to lead businesses and teams into the future of the industry. Over the course of three semesters, on three continents, students learn to manage the complexity of worldwide operations with the local touch that makes for exceptional customer experiences. It is offered jointly by EHL (Lausanne campus), Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Conrad N. Hilton College, University of Houston, Texas, USA.
This program offers a unique opportunity to explore the world of innovation through an interdisciplinary and immersive approach. Designed to shape the innovators of tomorrow, it empowers you to develop cutting-edge products and services while addressing contemporary social, economic, and environmental challenges.
The hospitality industry is changing at pace. Businesses in the sector are implementing new operating structures to adjust to global challenges and are preparing hospitality for a new future. The need for skilled managers to bring innovation to the industry is paramount. Our program primes you to succeed in this environment through an in-depth study of current hospitality management trends and best practice.
Multiplication des flux d’information, prolifération de données, big data, gestion de l'information stratégique... Ce Master met un accent particulier sur la pratique et apporte des connaissances solides pour faire de vous des futur·es cadres supérieur·es et responsables de projets en gestion de l’information et des données.
The Joint Master of Arts in Architecture is offered jointly by the Hautes écoles spécialisées de Suisse occidentale (HES-SO) and the Berner Fachhoschule (BFH).
The aim of the HES-SO Master of Science in Engineering (MSE) is to train future engineers who are capable of taking responsibility for large-scale projects in technological and civil engineering fields.
7 majors are offered :
This program offers a unique opportunity to explore the world of innovation through an interdisciplinary and immersive approach. Designed to shape the innovators of tomorrow, it empowers you to develop cutting-edge products and services while addressing contemporary social, economic, and environmental challenges.
This joint Master HES-SO -UNIGE offers advanced training in the fields of urban planning, geomatics, landscape architecture and territorial development, in both the North and South.
Une formation interdisciplinaire unique, réunissant mise en scène, chorégraphie et scénographie pour répondre aux défis contemporains des arts de la scène.
L’ethnomusicologie traite de la musique et de ses pratiques, en Occident et au-delà, en mettant l’accent en particulier sur ses dimensions culturelles, sociales, rituelles ou encore de transmission.
This program offers a unique opportunity to explore the world of innovation through an interdisciplinary and immersive approach. Designed to shape the innovators of tomorrow, it empowers you to develop cutting-edge products and services while addressing contemporary social, economic, and environmental challenges.
The study programmes is geared to stage directors who are strongly interested research through the stage, culture and history of the theatre, within a context of creation.
The Master of Arts in Music Composition and Theory prepares students for a professional career in the creative capacity of composer and/or in a teaching or scientific capacity in relation to music theory.
The Master of Arts in Music Pedagogy prepares students for careers in music teaching at university schools of music and conservatoires to university level, or in state schools to upper secondary level. Teaching activities of this kind are an essential element in the professional portfolio of these musicians.
The Master of Arts in Music Performance prepares students for a career as a musical performer with a high level of artistic training, offering access to the employment market as an independent artist or within institutions such as orchestras or opera houses.
The MA degree course in Specialized Music Performance is a demanding course, designed to prepare a limited number of students showing exceptional ability for artistic activities at the very highest level.
A Master’s degree in collaboration with the University of Lausanne (UNIL) for professionals from different fields, helping to improve the quality of care with five Majors:
- Occupational therapy
- Physiotherapy
- Nutrition and Dietetics
- Midwifery
- Radiological Medical Imaging Technology
It is aimed at holders of a Bachelor’s degree working in one of these five fields.
This program offers a unique opportunity to explore the world of innovation through an interdisciplinary and immersive approach. Designed to shape the innovators of tomorrow, it empowers you to develop cutting-edge products and services while addressing contemporary social, economic, and environmental challenges.
L’ostéopathie est une profession de la santé dont les méthodes de traitement, basées sur des techniques manuelles, sont à la fois préventives et curatives. La formation Master of Science HES-SO en Ostéopathie est réservée aux diplômées et diplômés d’un Bachelor HES-SO en Ostéopathie.
University of Lausanne (UNIL) and HES-SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES-SO) offer a joint Master of Science in Nursing Sciences (MScSI).
The MScSI is run by the University Institute of Training and Research in Patient Care (IUFRS) in the Faculty of Biology and Medicine at the University of Lausanne.
This program offers a unique opportunity to explore the world of innovation through an interdisciplinary and immersive approach. Designed to shape the innovators of tomorrow, it empowers you to develop cutting-edge products and services while addressing contemporary social, economic, and environmental challenges.
Le Master en Psychomotricité forme aux responsabilités cliniques des thérapeutes en psychomotricité, expert·es du corps et de son rôle dans le développement et le fonctionnement psychique, émotionnel et social des personnes.
From analysis to intervention: become an expert in social work
The Hautes écoles de travail social (HETS) in French-speaking Switzerland and Ticino have joined forces to offer a Master’s degree at the cutting edge of research.
This program offers a unique opportunity to explore the world of innovation through an interdisciplinary and immersive approach. Designed to shape the innovators of tomorrow, it empowers you to develop cutting-edge products and services while addressing contemporary social, economic, and environmental challenges.