Av. de Provence 6 (Buildings A,B) et Av. de Provence 12 (Building C)
This site includes the administration and the main reception. It includes 16 classrooms, some of which are equipped with innovative equipment (digital boards with touch screens), 5 conference rooms and work and break areas.
Buildings A and B: Monday to Friday, from 07:30 to 20:00.
Building C: Monday to Thursday, from 07:30 to 17:30. Friday, from 07:30 to 16:30.
Buildings A and B: Outside these times, you can access the premises by touching your badge on the readers next to the glass doors. Note: the main door to buildings A and B requires an access code, which will be sent to those who need it.
Building C: Outside these times, you can access the premises by touching your badge on the readers next to the glass doors. However, this building is close from Friday 16:30 to Monday 07:30.
The HES-SO Master reception desk is in the building A. It is open from Monday to Thursday from 08:00 to 12:00 and 13:00 to 17:00. Fridays, it is open from 08:00 to 12:00 and 13:00 to 16:30. Contact: master(at)
- Drinks and snacks are available from vending machines in the lobby of Espace A.
- In Espace B, you'll find Espace NEBULA, a place for students to work and take a break. It is equipped with a microwave, kitchen and fridge.
- Espace C has a cafeteria with coffee machines and microwaves.
- In Espace C, you'll find a room where pregnant women can breastfeed and rest. This cosy area, known as "Lactancia", is equipped with an armchair, sink, fridge and refreshments. It is open Monday to Friday from 7.30am to 8pm. This room is locked and can be locked from the inside. To gain access, you need to ask (in person, by e-mail or by telephone) at the HES-SO Master reception desk. A sign indicates whether the room is free or occupied.
Chemin du Closel 3
This site hosts the classrooms and work spaces of the Innokick Master's programme. It is located in the Ateliers de Renens, dedicated to innovation, training and design.
Public transport:
- 10 minutes walk from Renens train station or Prilly-Malley train station
- Take the Bus N° 17, gett off at "Renens-Village"
Parking :
- A few parking are available for 2 hours in front of the building
- The parking du Censuy (Avenue du Censuy 36 - 1020 Renens) or the parking Salt/Lidl - Rue du Caudray 6 - 1020 Renens offer many possibilities, also for longer periods.
A person is available to deal with administrative queries every Monday. From Tuesday to Friday, please send an email to master.innokick(at)
Si vous souhaitez obtenir un casier, merci de vous adresser à master.innokick(at) La caution est de CHF 20.-
An access badge to the spaces is available upon request and against a deposit of CHF 50.-. Contact master.innokick(at)
- Cafet’Mobilet (1st floor of the building)
- OBI shopping centre Renens
- Lidl supermarket Renens
- Aldi supermarket Renens