Strengthening Civic Education in a young Democracy

Tunisia | Education, Political Sciences

Swiss partners

  • Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich: Samir Boulos (main applicant), Wiltrud Weidinger-Meister

Partners in the MENA region

  • Université de Tunis, Institut Supérieur des Etudes Appliquées en Humanités de Zag-houan, Tunisia: Amel Meziane (main applicant), Farouk Bahri

  • International Institute of debate, Tunisia: Elyes Guermazi

Presentation of the projet

The project partners of the ENGAGE-project had created three joint workshops. The first workshop took place at the Zurich University of Teacher Education (PH Zürich) from November 27 to 29, 2019. Six lecturers from ISEAHZ, two students and one representative of the NGO IIDebate travelled for this workshop on life skills and civic education to Zurich. The workshop in question included joint training sessions, a jointly taught course for Swiss students, a visit to a Swiss school and a reflection on this visit. Following this Tunisian-Swiss workshop, ISEAHZ teacher trainers, IIDebate trainers and a group of preservice teachers started the game conception process. The second workshop took place at the ISEAHZ in Zaghouan, Tunisia, from February 24 to 25, 2020. Two lecturers from PH Zurich gave trainings on life skills and media as well as on the rights and responsibilities in a democratic citizenship education. Besides, the Tunisian team presented a brainstorming of their project i.e. the education game they intended to create. The third workshop took place a day before the closing event of the ENGAGE-project. Both events took place at the ISEAHZ from November 25 to 26, 2021. The workshops were on gamification as a pedagogical tool and the value of participation for democracy and education. Lecturers and students of ISEAHZ participated in both workshops. The following day, the ENGAGE-project was concluded in a public event and the major results of the cooperation were presented. An important outcome of the project is the educational game “Cartha’Go Box”. This historically themed game is based on a combination of pedagogical features with gamification elements and aims to teach history and mathematics to 5th graders. Both life skills and civic education are acknowledged as essential objectives of the game too. Lecturers explained the pedagogical background of this game and students of ISEAHZ demonstrated how the Cartha’Go Box is played. To conclude, this educational game promotes democratic values and civic mindedness in Tunisian primary schools.

The Cartha’Go Box had been tested in two primary schools with novice teachers, who were former ISEAHZ students. The tests were video recorded. The results of the tests were qualitatively analysed and the findings presented at the concluding event. The core project team of ENGAGE, composed of lecturers from ISEAHZ and PH Zurich, have jointly developed a concept for a larger project called “Democratic School for Skills - DOORS”. The objectives, outcomes and activities of this project have already been defined. The DOORS project proposal was presented to the office of the Swiss Development Cooperation in Tunis and to the ministry of education. DOORS was met with great interest.