Research Partnership Grants 2023

The call for projects "Research Partnership Grants" aims at developing new joint project proposals or connecting already existing and independently funded projects in Switzerland and in the MENA partner countries into long-lasting cooperation. The goal of this instrument is to allow researchers to conduct desk work, field research or laboratory feasibility studies, in order to apply for grants from other funding agencies (e.g. national funding agencies or EU funding schemes), and/or to develop long-term partnerships between two institutions or research groups.

The Research Partnership Grants instrument has already been launched in 2021 and 2022. The call for projects for 2023 is closed. It was the last call for Research Partnership Grants in the current mandate of the Leading House MENA (2021-2024). The text for this call is available below.

Awarded projects

The third call for projects was launched in April 2023. At the deadline (21 August 2023), 52 applications had been submitted. After an eligibility check, an evaluation by external reviewers, and a final committee selection, thirteen projects were awarded a grant. You can find the list of awarded projects below.

Compétences globales dans l'enseignement supérieur


| Education, Cognitive Sciences

New Interconnection Perspectives for Electrical Energy Exchange between Europe and North Africa


| Engineering Sciences, Environment

Deciphering orbital and suborbital signatures from lacustrine sediments: Insights into the MIS-3 and the Last Termination in Northwest Africa


| Earth Sciences, Environment

Efficacy of DNA polymerase inhibitors in breast cancer using breast intraductal mouse model


| Medicine, Biosciences

Méthodes numériques pour la prédiction des déformations et l'anticipation des retraits thermiques en fabrication additive


| Computer Sciences, Earth Sciences

Characterizing human adipose stem and precursor cells at the single nucleus level in obese and diabetic patients


| Medicine, Biosciences

Wood Anatomy-based Hydroclimatic Reconstruction for Enhancing Understanding of Climate Variability in the MENA Region

Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco

| Environment, Earth Sciences

Youth in crisis: A cross-cultural investigation of the mental health problems faced by the young people in Lebanon and Switzerland


| Cognitive Sciences, Public Health

Immersive Imperfection


| Agriculture, Environment

Recherche-Action: Elaboration d’un référentiel des compétences pédagogiques des enseignant·e·s-chercheur·e·s de l’enseignement supérieur agricole en Tunisie


| Education, Cognitive Sciences

Development of a prototype of low-tech, space efficient soilless cultivation (aquaponics) for refugee camps in Jordan


| Public Health, Earth Sciences

Preliminary study: Valorization of camel milk through improved feeding with by-products and development of high potential dairy products


| Agriculture, Biosciences

Pile à combustible


| Engineering Sciences, Environment