Research Partnership Grants 2022

The call for projects "Research Partnership Grant" aims at developing new joint project proposals or connecting already existing and independently funded projects in Switzerland and in the MENA partner countries into long-lasting cooperation. The goal of this instrument is to allow researchers to conduct desk work, field research or laboratory feasibility studies, in order to apply for grants from other funding agencies (e.g. national funding agencies or EU funding schemes), and/or to develop long-term partnerships between two institutions or research groups.

The call will be launched once a year in in 2021, 2022 and 2023. The text of the 2022 call is available below.

Awarded projects

The second call for projects was launched in May 2022. At the deadline (12 September 2022), 54 applications had been submitted. After an eligibility check, an evaluation by external reviewers, and a final committee selection, fourteen projects were awarded a grant. You can find the list of awarded projects below.

Acts of repair: Heritage, conservation and healing in the divided landscape of rural Jerusalem

Occupied Palestine Territory

| Architecture, History

Use of TomatO rhizomicrobiome to Predict Yield in Abiotic Stress (UTOPYAS)


| Biosciences, Agriculture

Circulation des soutiens matériels, financiers et de care au sein des familles transnationales: L'expérience des parents âgés en Tunisie et en Suisse


| Public Health, Social Work

Globalizing Critical Theory

United Arab Emirates

| Philosophy, Sociology

Développement des produits du terroir à l'international: Etude comparative entre la Suisse et la Tunisie


| Agriculture, Economics

Targeting tumor hypoxia to increase efficiency of multimodal and immunological therapeutic strategies in pancreatic cancer

United Arab Emirates

| Medicine, Biosciences

Exploring the potential of the North African speleothem archive


| Archaeology, Earth Sciences

Implementing the One Health approach in Palestine: Reviewing and mapping ministerial mechanisms for reporting and controlling zoonotic diseases and inter-sectoral collaboration

Occupied Palestine territory

| Public Health, Environment

Digital Supported Regenerative Hospitality in Rural Lebanon


| Management, Computer Sciences

Space ImmunoBioInks

United Arab Emirates

| Biosciences, Engineering Sciences

Tc-99m radiolabeling of nanobody targeting tenascin-C


| Biosciences, Medicine

Cyber-Security Tools for a Secure Electrical Energy Systems based on Hardware-in-the-Loop Environment

Saudi Arabia

| Computer Sciences, Management

Towards the design of an innovative platform for the training of educational managers


| Education, Computer Sciences

Heavy metals in Palestinian Agriculture (HEMiPA): A pilot study in the Jenin Governorate

Occupied Palestine Territory

| Agriculture, Environment