
MLS - Central Modules

The cooperation MSLS offers two types of central modules (30 ECTS): the “Core Competence Modules” with business, entrepreneurship and data handling skills, which are relevant to all Master students, and the “Cluster-specific Modules” which are relevant to the specializations. Students have flexibility in choosing courses for the central modules. Out of seven “Core Competence” modules, at least five have to be completed. For the “Cluster-Specific Modules” at least three have to be completed, summing to a total of 30 ECTS.

Core Competence Modules encompass the most important competences for Life Science specialists in two fields, thus meeting the challenges originating from the job market (Big Data, Industry 4.0) and addressing the need to understand the concepts of entrepreneurship, innovation and business:

Management, Business and Society

Handling and Understanding Data

The Core Competence Modules take place on 7 Fridays and are spread over half of the semester. These modules are taught partly online, making up two-thirds of the workload (2 ECTS), and partially within local, small groups within the specializations (local teaching, corresponding to 1 ECTS). This local teaching takes place intermittently during the week; for the detailed timetable see Schedule HES-SO MLS.

The module descriptions are available on mslscommunitycentre.ch


Group Code Title ECTS Semester
Management, Business and Society B1 Business Administration for Life Sciences    3 Autumn
B2 Management and Leadership for Life Sciences 3 Autumn
B3 Innovation and Project Management 3 Autumn
B4 Politics and Society 3 Autumn
Handling and Understanding Data D1 Handling and Visualising Data 3 Spring
D2 Design and Analysis of Experiments 3 Spring
D3 Modelling and Exploration of Multivariate Data 3 Spring
D4 Data and Ethics 3 Spring


In addition to the offer shown above, MLS students can take the module "Management of Complex Processes" (B11, 3 credits), offered in the Master of Science in Engineering (MSE). The course takes place in the Spring semester, it is given online and in English.