Leading House Latin America : Early Career Grant 2023

Publié le 14.12.2023. Mis à jour le 14.12.2023.

The Early Career Grants support emerging researchers to conduct fieldwork in all Latin American countries.


The Early-Career Grant, former Mobility Grant, specifically targets emerging researchers (PostDocs and PhD students). It allows for the integration of the next generation of scientists in international collaboration, helps to build new networks through personal contacts and mutual trust, and makes partnerships more sustainable.

Early Career Grants offer a possibility to encourage Swiss researchers to boost their studies with a stay and fieldwork in Latin America without having to be a part of a team or academic group.

The call is open to all disciplines and fields.

The grant allows for up to three months of research stay, and a maximum of CHF 7'000, including flights, can be awarded.

Application deadline: 31.01.2024, 23:59.

Please visit the website of the Leading House for all the details and application form.


Leading House MENA


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