Online resources

E-ressources trials

From 1 June to 31 July, the HES-SO is offering its students, teachers and researchers a trial access to Open Edition Freemium e-books and e-journals available for download. The Freemium offer gives access to 197 journals on the platform dedicated to newspapers, as well as more than 14'000 e-books from OpenEdition Books.

From June 15 to August 31, the HES-SO is offering its students, teachers and researchers a trial access to Tënk streaming video platform, which offers a selection of quality documentary films, mainly in the fields of Design and Visual Arts and Social Work.

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Interdisciplinary Ebooks Journals


Journals :  the global package contains journals in the fields of sociology, social work, psychology, health, economics/management and education sciences


List of titles

Ebooks : the "social work" package contains books in the fields of sociology, social work, psychology and health.

Link : only for the health and social work schools

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Interdisciplinary Ebooks

Cambridge Books Online

Cambridge University Press publishes a wide range of research monographs, academic reference, textbooks, books for professionals, and large numbers of books aimed at graduate students. About 2'000 e-books are available to users at the universities of applied sciences and arts on the Cambridge Core platform. The chapters of the e-books can be opened, saved and printed.



Music and Performing Arts Ebooks

Cambridge Companions to Music

E-books concerning composers, music instruments and musical topics



Interdisciplinary Journals

Cambridge University Press journals - Read & Publish

More than 380 peer-reviewed academic journals covering subjects across the humanities, social sciences and science, technology and medicine. Access from 1997.


List of titles

Open Access publication

Interdisciplinary Journals

Cambridge University Press Journals - Archives

National license covering 395 journals published by Cambridge University Press available since 1770, with a moving wall of 5 years.


List of titles

Informations and registration : non affiliated people (swiss universities and high schools)

Engineering and Architecture Databases

CAS SciFinder

Database that is the source for authoritatively identifying a chemical substance and its related chemical structures, chemical names, regulatory information and properties, including the CAS Registry Number®. CAS SciFinder also provides information on reaction schemes, experimental procedures, detailed conditions and product yields, retrosynthetic planning, and biosequence searching. Following modules are accessible : CAS SciFinderⁿ, CAS Formulus, CAS Analytical Methods, ChemZent.

Access (SWITCH eduID) : only for HEIA-FR and HEI Valais.

Warning : do not use the URL "https://scifinder-n.cas.org" to access this database. For users who already had an account before 2024, please refer to the procedure described here.

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Health Journals Databases

CINAHL Ultimate

Bibliographic database in nursing and health sciences, indexing articles, books, theses and conference proceedings, it contains more than 2'300 full text journals.


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Health Databases

Cochrane Library

The Cochrane Library is an EBM resource comprising six databases including the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, which provides access to systematic reviews published by the Cochrane Collaboration and CENTRAL (Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials). Free access for all Swiss residents.



Interdisciplinary Journals

De Gruyter Journals - Archives

344 journals published by Walter de Gruyter available since 1826.

Embargo : 2 years


List of titles

Interdisciplinary Patents

Derwent Innovations Index

Derwent Innovations Index™ facilitates rapid, precise patent searching, letting you conduct patent and citation searches of inventions in chemical, electrical, electronic, and mechanical engineering. This resource merges the value-added patent information from Derwent World Patents Index with the patent citation information from Derwent Patent Citation Index. You can use additional descriptive information and coding to discover all relevant inventions and quickly grasp a patent’s significance and its relationship to other patents. Reduce duplication of R&D; track competitors’ activities; detect and avoid patent infringement; identify potential gaps in the marketplace and possible licensing opportunities.



Interdisciplinary Databases

Dissertations & Theses A&I

The ProQuest Dissertation & Theses Global (PQDT) ™ database is the world's most comprehensive curated collection of multi-disciplinary dissertations and theses from around the world, offering over 5 million citations and 2.7 million full-text works from thousands of universities.


List of titles/country


Interdisciplinary Encyclopedias and dictionaries


Dictionary of the German language, the first edition of which was published on 7 July 1880 by Konrad Duden.


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