Velux Foundation for Research on Daylight, Healthy ageing and Ophtalmology

Publié le 31.03.2022. Mis à jour le 06.04.2022.

Velux Foundation supports basic and applied research on topics such as : Daylight Research, Healty ageing and Ophtalmology.

Research on the effects of daylight is a core funding area of the foundation and is complemented by ophthalmology research and research on healthy ageing. There is plenty of overlap between them and they are inherently interdisciplinary.

The Velux Foundatoin is interested in questions that touch on one or more funding areas, as well as challenges within one of the funding areas that call for interdisciplinary approaches.

The basic or applied research project will last 1 to 4 years and the budget request is around CHF 50,000-100,000 per year.

Next deadlines:

30 April 2022 : for Daylight Research and Healthy Ageing

31 May 2022 : for Ophthalmology

More details :

Velux Foundation funding areas 

Application Guidelines

Approved projects


Pauline Mesnard

Conseillère Ra&D Suisse
