174 New Master's Graduates

HES-SO Master Publié le 12.06.2024. Mis à jour le 12.06.2024.

On Friday, June 7, 2024, 174 graduates from the HES-SO Master programmes in Engineering and Life Sciences received their titles during a ceremony organized by HES-SO Master at the Palais de Beaulieu in Lausanne.

[Translate to Anglais:] Les diplômé·es du Master in Life Sciences, orientations AB, CDP et VE ©Anouk Ruffieux

Out of the 174 titles awarded, 153 were granted to graduates of the Master of Science HES-SO in Engineering and 21 to graduates of the Master of Science HES-SO in Life Sciences.

List of awards:

For the Master in Engineering:

  •  Best Grade Award awarded to Louka Yerly, major in Computer Science
  •  CSEM Award awarded to Ilyas Siouda, major in Microengineering

For the Master in Life Sciences:

  •     Best Grade Award awarded to Samuel Zubriggen, major in Applied Biosciences
  •     SVAN Award awarded to Lauryn Quinodoz, major in Chemical Development and Production
  •     Socorex Science Merit Award awarded to Samuel Zubriggen, major in Applied Biosciences
  •     Philippe Mathis Award for the best Master's Thesis awarded to Melisa Kaya, major in Viticulture and Enology

The HES-SO Master's programs in Lausanne are offered in collaboration with the HES-SO schools.