Towards a 3D digitalization of Tunisian mines and caves

Swiss partners
Institut Suisse de Spéléologie et de Karstologie: Marc Luetscher (main applicant), Eric Weber
Partners in the MENA region
Office National des Mines, Tunisie: Moez Mansoura (main applicant), Foued Souissi, Maryem Zribi
Other partners
- University Northumbria, United Kingdom: Michael Rogerson
Presentation of the projet
The presence of abandoned mines represents an important historical heritage of Tunisia which is yet only poorly recognized. Besides its patrimonial significance, a detailed documentation of past mines is fundamental to 1) better understand the geometry of ore deposits; 2) assess natural hazards, e.g. associated with the collapse of voids; 3) evaluate the impact of mineral deposits on groundwater quality. We document this unique patrimony by integrating historical information with modern 3D topographic surveys using light-weight lidar technology at Djebel Serdj, where several old mines are
known next to Tunisian’s most extensive speleological networks. Our results support the spatial analysis of geomorphological features and contribute to a better understanding of lead-zinc ore deposits with respect to karst processes. Overall, the 3D visualization of these complex networks supports scientific mediation efforts to protect a unique geological patrimony.