Tc-99m radiolabeling of nanobody targeting tenascin-C

Tunisia | Biosciences, Medicine

Swiss partners

  • Paul Scherrer Institut: Martin Behe (main applicant)

Partners in the MENA region

  • Institut Pasteur de Tunis, Tunisie: Balkiss Bouhaouala-Zahar (main applicant)

Presentation of the projet

Targeted radionuclide imaging and therapy becomes more and more important in oncology. The most targets highly cancer type specific. Therefore, a pan-cancer radiopharmaceutical would be highly beneficial. The extracellular matrix which is rearranged similar in the different cancer would be a favorable target. Tenascin-C a protein of the extracellular matrix is overexpressed in different cancer tissues and a promising target. The group of the Pasteur Institute in Tunis has developed highly specific nanobodies for targeting tenascin-C. Paul Scherrer Institut developed a stable radiolabeling method of Histags of proteins with Tc-99m-carbonyl. Tc-99m is an ideal and often used SPECT radionuclide. The method will be applied to the his-tagged-nanobodies. We expect to achieve a good radiotracer which can be evaluated for a proof of concept in vitro and in vivo. Therefore, the method will be established by a scientific visitor from the Pasteur Institute at PSI and transfer the knowledge to Tunis where the in vitro and in vivo experiments will e performed.

If it works, also first clinical application would be taken into account. The long-term aim is to further develop the nanobodies for radionuclide targeted imaging and therapy.