RESET-Francophone: REIeve Scientifique, Education et Technologie

Swiss partners
- University of Geneva: Barbara Class (main applicant), Abdeljalil Akkari
Partners in the MENA region
- Virtual University of Tunis, Tunisia: Molka BelCadhi (main applicant), Béchir Allouch, Adel Ben Taziri
- Research Centre on Scientific and Technical Information (CERIST), Algiers, Algeria: Dalila Bebbouchi
- Ibn Tofaïl University, Kenitra, Morocco: Najemeddin Soughati, Souhad Shlaka
- Université Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco: Hichem Jiari
Other partners
- Université de Lille, France: Pierre-André Caron
- Institut de la Francophonie pour l'Education et la Formation, Dakar, Sénégal: Mona Laroussi
Presentation of the projet
As planned, three e-learning modules have been designed. During these on-line modules, contextual face-to-face sessions have been organised by the MENA partners to support their participants in the use of the learning environment and the overall pedagogical approach. This kind of face-to-face support has not been offered in Switzerland.
To launch the project and bring together all partners and PhD students, a videoconference has been organised on November 22, 2018.
For the fourth face-to-face module it has been decided to add conceptual and theoretical dimensions to research methodology. Thus, for the Swiss partner, a two days programme focusing on research methodology and international cooperation in education has been organised, bringing together several experts and PhD students. In Geneva, these 2 days have been organised on December 12th and 13th 2019. The programme and the ppt presentations are available from As a follow-up of this event, a special issue of the scientific journal L’Education en débat: analyse comparée1 collecting papers from the different conferences is planned for December 2020.
The North African partners plan to organise this face-to-face event with the collaboration of the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), focusing on PhD supervision.
Article published in L'éducation en débat: analyse comparée (2021)