RESET-Francophone: REIeve Scientifique, Education et Technologie

Morocco, Tunisia | Education, Computer Sciences

Picture from the article published in "L'éducation en débat: analyse comparée"

Swiss partners

  • University of Geneva: Barbara Class (main applicant), Abdeljalil Akkari

Partners in the MENA region

  • Virtual University of Tunis, Tunisia: Molka BelCadhi (main applicant), Béchir Allouch, Adel Ben Taziri
  • Research Centre on Scientific and Technical Information (CERIST), Algiers, Algeria: Dalila Bebbouchi
  • Ibn Tofaïl University, Kenitra, Morocco: Najemeddin Soughati, Souhad Shlaka
  • Université Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco: Hichem Jiari

Other partners

  • Université de Lille, France: Pierre-André Caron
  • Institut de la Francophonie pour l'Education et la Formation, Dakar, Sénégal: Mona Laroussi 

Presentation of the projet

As planned, three e-learning modules have been designed. During these on-line modules, contextual face-to-face sessions have been organised by the MENA partners to support their participants in the use of the learning environment and the overall pedagogical approach. This kind of face-to-face support has not been offered in Switzerland.

To launch the project and bring together all partners and PhD students, a videoconference has been organised on November 22, 2018.

For the fourth face-to-face module it has been decided to add conceptual and theoretical dimensions to research methodology. Thus, for the Swiss partner, a two days programme focusing on research methodology and international cooperation in education has been organised, bringing together several experts and PhD students. In Geneva, these 2 days have been organised on December 12th and 13th 2019. The programme and the ppt presentations are available from As a follow-up of this event, a special issue of the scientific journal L’Education en débat: analyse comparée1 collecting papers from the different conferences is planned for December 2020.

The North African partners plan to organise this face-to-face event with the collaboration of the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), focusing on PhD supervision.

More on this project

Website of the project

Article published in L'éducation en débat: analyse comparée (2021)

Grant from SNSF Spark (2020-2021)