Asia Industry Internships China: Call for Swiss students

Publié le 28.05.2019. Mis à jour le 05.05.2021.

The Leading House ETH Zurich offers internship scholarship opportunities to bachelor/master students from Swiss universities and universities of applied sciences. The rolling call was launched last spring, the programme runs through the end of 2020.


The Leading House for East and South East Asia at ETH Zurich offers internship scholarship opportunities to bachelor/master students from Swiss universities and universities of applied sciences in collaboration with Route2China, an agency that matches Swiss students with Chinese companies. The rolling call was launched last spring, the programme runs through the end of 2020

Key facts:

  • 1-6 month-internships at a Chinese company
  • Matching: Route2China is in charge of matching the student with a Chinese company
  • The Leading House ETH Zurich provides a scholarship to cover living allowance and international travel

Since the overall process (application, review, matching) can take up to a few months, it is highly recommended to apply early.

Detailed information on the opportunity and the application form are available on ETH Global website.