Swiss Space Center - Call for Ideas 2019

Publié le 11.03.2019. Mis à jour le 05.05.2021.

The Swiss Space Office and the Swiss Space Center have opened the fourth Call for Ideas (CfI 2019) to foster low TRL R&D studies related to space activities.

The CfI 2019 is meant to identify and demonstrate disruptive innovations for space applications based on ideas and concepts.

The proposed studies shall last for a maximum of 6 months, a maximum amount of CHF 20'000 is allocated to each selected study.

This year's topics are

  • Technologies for ground-based and space infrastructure, from materials (e.g Micro-Nano Technologies or Materials, parts and processes) to (sub)-systems (e.g equipment, product or instrument),
  • Applications ideas based on space assets, including those responding to user needs at the federal or regional level,
  • Application domains with a high potential for innovation, especially, observation, telecommunication, navigation, space for climate, human spaceflight, life science.

The call is open from 11 March to 8 April 2019 (13:00).

All detailed information is available on the SSC webpage.