Seed Money Grants 2019 with the Latin American Region

Publié le 29.04.2019. Mis à jour le 05.05.2021.

In its role as the Leading House for the Latin American Region, the University of St.Gallen through its Centro Latinoamericano-Suizo (CLS HSG) opens the Seed Money call 2019.

Seed Money Grants 2019

The goal of the Seed Money Grants is to strengthen or initiate scientific exchange between researchers from Swiss and Latin American institutions in all disciplines by enabling them to jointly undertake preliminary research and organize meetings, conferences, or workshops.

The Seed Money Grants aim to promote research in Latin America.

Budget: up to CHF 25’000

Deadline:  June 16, 2019


More details can be found on this website: Seed Money Grants 2019